Beast Total Body Workout Sheet

Unlike many total body programs that drag workouts on for up to 90 minutes, the training in BEAXST is in line with much of what you’ve come to expect from A-X. 60 minutes or less of higher intensity training with less wasted time. Here are the lengths in time of each Body beast workout; BUILD: CHEST/TRICEPS 49 minutes BUILD: SHOULDERS 38 minutes BUILD: LEGS 38 minutes BUILD: BACK/BICEPS 50 minutes BULK: CHEST 30 minutes BULK: BACK 29 minutes BULK: LEGS 40 minutes BULK: SHOULDERS 35 minutes BULK: ARMS 36 minutes BEAST: ABS 11 minutes BEAST: CARDIO 30 minutes BEAST: TOTAL BODY 39 minutes Ready to Get Started With Body.

Excel Workout Tool For Body Beast

Excel Workout Tool for Body Beast

Excel Spreadsheet & Workout Manager for Sagi Kalev's Super Beachbody Muscle Building Program Body Beast! Includes BONUS Nutrition Spreadsheet.


ThisHighly Advanced Excel Workout Tool Opens Up To An Easy To Use


1stItem of Business Is To Select The Setup/StartUp Button To

ThisSets Up All The Other Pages & Worksheets.

UseThe Master Calendar To See & Select Your Daily Workouts,

andYou Can Then Check Off Your Completed Workouts.



SampleWorking Master Calendar

YourChecks for Completed Workouts, Will turn GREEN As Well.


TakeYour Before Photos& Insert Them Into Your

PhotoProgress Tracker Page.

YouWill Also, Come Back Here At The End to Insert Your Photos.


EnterYour Beginning Body Stats

In TheMeasurements Tracker Page.

Here,You Enter Your Beginning Body Stats Info,

andYou Will Also Come Back At The End To Enter

YourEnding Body Stats Achievements.





WeHave ALL the Worksheets.

Amazing Advanced Worksheets Allow You To

Record& Summarize Reps, Assisted Reps,

BandColor, Notes and More.

Sophisticated Calculations, and Progress Indicators

OnEach Worksheet.

A FewSample Screenshots Are Included Below:









WeHave ALL the Charts.

Amazing, Interactive Charts Allow You To

Get avisual view of your Progress.

A FewSample Screenshots Are Included Below:






ExcelWorkout Tool



Interactive Meal Logs

Calories Allowed For Each Phase, Auto-Calculated.













This program was created with MS Excel 2010 and saved as both aExcel 97-2003 template, and an Excel 2007-2010 template.
Also, Mac 2004 & Mac 2008+ Folders are Included.

(A template is a file, that once opened, can be saved under anyname, leaving the original file intact to be used over and over again.)

However, this is no mere template. All the pages are interlockedtogether via menus and links for easy navigating.

Save yourself any spreadsheet creation headaches and CountlessWasted Hours because we have done it all for you.

The file Works with Windows MS Excel 2000-2010.


Just check out all the screenshots, and if this is something youcan use we will provide any support you need.

(Due to different versions of Excel, Monitor Sizes, ResolutionSettings, and Graphic Cards, the screen colors and screen fit, may notBe exactly as shown. What you see is how it looks on our screen. Thisgives you an idea of what is included in the program and what it lookslike.

If you ever lose or accidentally mess up a template, just let usknow and we will send you another one.

Excel Workout Tools is the creator of this product. You havepermission to modify the program for your own personal use, but Noresale or pass along rights are granted. You can install it on as manycomputers as you need to, as long as it is for use by you or yourimmediate family.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you arenot happy, let us know within 30 days and we will refund 100% of yourmoney.

Get ItHere For Only

PayNow & Get Immediate Access To Your New:


Thanks a lot and get yourself commited.


Body Beast is a registered trademark of Product Partners, LLC LTDLIAB CO CALIFORNIA.
We are not affiliated with Product Partners, Body Beast ®, ®, or Sagi Kalev.
No Product Partners, Beachbody ®, ®, or Sagi Kalevtrademarks, or logos, appear anywhere in the spreadsheets.
No copyrighted materials of Product Partners, Beachbody ®, ®, or Sagi Kalev are included in any of the downloads.
This Excel Workout Tool is a third-party tool and is not officiallywritten by, endorsed by, or supported by Product Partners, Beachbody ®, ®, or Sagi Kalev.
This Excel Workout Tool was created to help you get the most out ofyour workouts with the above mentioned program.

Are you looking for the full Body Beast Workout Schedule? You are in the right place! One of the biggest questions I get as part of my Body Beast Journey is what the Body Beast Workout Schedule is all about. There are two specific workout schedules with the program based on your goal. This post serves to help you get the results you deserve and pick the best Body Beast workout schedule for your needs.

What I think is super impressive about Body Beast is that Sagi Kalev (the trainer), focuses on doing “Whatever it Takes”. You can lift all the heavy weights in the world, but if you neglect the “Book of Beast” that comes in the program kit, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Get the right supplements and the right nutrition plan, and you’ll be on your way to success.

Body Beast Workout Schedule – What is your Goal?

Are you looking to get HUGE muscles (or even, just a little bit bigger muscles)? Or, are you looking to get or stay lean while slightly adding some additional muscle tone? Depending on those goals, there is a Body Beast workout schedule for you!

First and foremost, remember that NUTRITION and FORM is crucial. Just because you get to eat a ton of calories (especially if you are doing the Huge Schedule) doesn’t mean you can have a full-out Fast Food diet. In order to get the results you deserve, focus on eating clean so you can build muscle without adding a ton of fat.

To sum it all up:

  • Big Muscle, Gain Mass, Get Bigger: HUGE Beast Workout Schedule
  • Lean Muscle, Muscle Definition, Lose Body Fat: LEAN Beast Workout Schedule

Both of these schedules can be downloaded and printed below!

Body Beast Workout Schedule FREE Download

Feel free to download and save the Body Beast Workout Schedules to your computer or print them out for use anytime!

Body Beast Workout Blocks

Regardless if you are doing the HUGE Beast or LEAN Beast Workout Schedule, these are the three blocks you’ll see throughout the program:

Build Block 1 Phase

For the first 3 weeks, you’ll experience the Body Beast workout schedule of the Build Phase. This is all about building the foundation. You can’t go from shrimp to hulk, or from skinny minnie to she-hulk by just picking up 50 pound weights! I will say that the Build Phase definitely has some of the longer workouts. Once you get to BULK, the workouts are only around 30-40 minutes per day. Trust me, it will be all you need. In this first phase you’ll experience:

Build Chest & Tris – Focused on chest and triceps with super, giant, and single sets (explained below) for strength and definition. Total Time: 48:53

Build Back & Bis – Create the “V” shape in your back with bigger lats and traps, and of course amazing looking biceps! Time: 50:05

Build Legs – No more chicken legs for you. Focused on building powerful quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Time: 38:19

Build Shoulders – Focused on those perfect deltoids. Time: 38:19

BULK Block 2 Phase

For the next 6 weeks (if you are on the Body Beast HUGE workout schedule) or 5 weeks (for the Lean Body Beast workout schedule), you’ll be in the BULK phase. This is “not your daddy’s bodybuilding workouts”. These are new school set routines to pump you up through the concepts of dynamic set training.

Bulk Chest – Different angles and exercises to hit the different fibers of your pecs. This along with the progressive sets you’ll be introduced to in this workout for the Bulk series will focus on muscular hypertrophy. Time: 30:07

Bulk Back – Increase in resistance with more super and force sets to create a massive back. Time: 29:05

Bulk Shoulders – The back of the shoulder helps you look well rounded, and that is the focus on bulk shoulders to create a more 3D appearance. Added weight and lower reps 101. Time: 35:20

Bulk Arms – Focused training to create HUGE biceps and triceps. Get ready for the pump on this one! Time: 35:37

Bulk Legs – Quadzilla is coming to town! Transform chicken legs to tree trunks in this one for sure. Time: 41:14

BEAST Block 3 Phase

Beast Total Body Workout Sheet

When it comes to this point in the Body Beast workout schedule, this isn’t a harder phase. The key is to cut your calories and shed the body fat that you gained during the Build & Bulk phases (which is perfectly natural).

Beast Abs – A strong core protects your lower back and helps you life heavier. Oh, and you also get sexy abs too lol. Time: 10:32

Beast Cardio – A perfect match for cutting body fat with weights! This workout is also designed to help you get bigger too. Time: 30:10

Beast Total Body – A circuit routine for your entire body. Great for days that you might have to make up due to skipped workouts! Time: 38:36

Optional Workouts

Here are some optional workouts. If you get Body Beast from Sweet Life Fitness (this site), I throw in the Lucky 7 workout for free to any kit!

TEMPO: Chest & Tris – Tempo sets are at a tempo (time). Slow up and slow down helps your muscles and strength grow like a beast! Time: 52:24

TEMPO: Back & Bis – Same drill as above, but with different muscle groups. Time: 48:25

LUCKY 7 – Seven exercises, seven pyramids, seven times bigger muscles! This can be done any time the schedule calls for a full-body workout or to make up for missed workouts. Time: 22:38

Body Beast Workout Schedule Dynamic Set Training

One of the biggest claims to fame in Body Beast (which I could see the power of as soon as I started my journey), is the Dynamic Set Training. This is what it means:

  • Single Set – 1 exercise only, with a few varying reps (15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps as you keep increasing weight)
  • Super Set – any 2 exercise movements done back-to-back without rest
  • Giant Set – 3 exercise movements done back-to-back all targeting the same muscle group
  • Multi-Set – 3 exercises that don’t target similar muscle groups
  • Force Set – is 5 sets of 5 reps, with 10 seconds of rest between each set.
  • Progressive Set – is a pyramid that goes from high reps to low reps, takes a break, then back up to high reps. For example, 15 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps – rest 90 seconds – 8 reps, 12 reps, 15 reps. Get ready to see this a lot in the Bulk phase.
  • Combo Set – contains a compound exercise, which is any exercise that works more than one muscle group using more than one joint
  • Circuit Set – move from 1 exercise to another without rest
  • Tempo Set – holds a contraction for a given amount of time. For example, 6 seconds up, 6 seconds down. Or 3 seconds up, 6 seconds down.

Be sure to also get the Body Beast worksheets to track your progress in the calendar as well.

Body Beast Total Body Workout Sheet

=>Click here to join us and BEAST Up for the Best Price<=
I hope you enjoyed this post on the Body Beast Workout Schedule. Comment below if you have any questions, and share it with others who might find good use in the calendars and info!

Body Beast Total Body Workout Sheet

Yours in Success,

Body Beast Workout Sheets Excel

Coach Bob