How to convert CSV files to vCard File(.vcf)?
This public service is intended to provide simple functions to convert any vCard file into another format. It was created for personal needs and is now provided on a private and non commercial basis. The uploaded file will not be stored permanently nor will the converted addresses be kept on the server. File conversion software to convert audio, video, image and ofther document file formats. Review our converter software guide, download file converters free. Mac CSV file to VCF file Converter software is the perfect solution to convert CSV to vCard on Mac platform. During the export process, the CSV to VCF Mac tool ensures that there will be no data loss or alteration with any contact information. Also, the utility can restore various email ids, contact number, and other relevant information.
Using this free web tool, you can easily convert your CSV data to vCard file.
- First input the data using copy pasting data directly or uploading file or pasting a direct file URL in respective tabs.
- You can set csv parsing options depending on your content.
- Click Parse
- Select
vCard Name
for each csv header option. If you don’t want a column then choose (ignore). - If everything is correct then use Save button to download CSV file or Copy to Clipboard which you paste in your editor.
What file formats does this CSV to vCard converter support?
This tool supports almost any text file with a common delimiter to separate values. Make sure to input parse options correctly.
For URL input, the server must have Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header set to all.
Free Vcf Converter
What about my data?
This is a web based tool. All data extraction/conversion is done in the browser itself. Nothing is uploaded to our server if you are only comparing.
Vcard Converter
However, if you want to share results with others, you must choose to save the result. (Feature under development)
You’ll be given a unique URL for your result & your result will be viewable to anyone with that unique URL.
Do these steps if you want to download a copy of your contacts from iCloud. After you download a copy of your contacts to a file, you can import your contacts into Outlook.
Sign in to with your login credentials.
Select Contacts
Click the gear icon, then choose Select All to mark all of your contacts for export.
Select the gear icon again, and choose ExportvCard to copy your contacts to a .vcf file. (Your contacts will still be available in your iCloud account.)
Now that your contacts are copied to a vcf file, you can convert them to a csv file, and then import them to Outlook for windows.