Microchip Hi Tech C Compiler Free Download

HI-TECH C Compiler for PIC10/12/16 MCUs - PRO fully implements the optimizations of Omniscient Code Generation™ - a whole-program compilation technology - to provide denser code and better performance on PIC MCUs. This ANSI C compiler integrates into Microchips MPLAB(R) IDE and is compatible with Microchip debuggers and emulators. This is an ongoing attempt to produce a set of libraries for C compilers used to generate code for low-resource microcontrollers, initially Microchip PIC devices and Hi-Tech's PICC Lite compiler. The code is adaptable to other compilers and devices. This was a third party compiler that Microchip bought. The Microchip XC8 compiler has been released with the MPLAB X to replace the HI-TECH C compiler. Underneath the XC8 though is mostly the HI-TECH C compiler so your code transfers easily. Here is the best part, both MPLAB/HI-TECH C Compiler and MPLAB X/XC8 compiler are all free to download. CONTENTS CONTENTS 2.6.31 -ERRFORMAT=format: Define Format for Compiler Messages. 53 2.6.32 -ERRORS=number: Maximum Number of Errors.

Microchip Xc Compiler


CTCSS kits:

Download CTCSS 47 Encoder Kit PDF | Laden Sie CTCSS Encoder Bausatz PDF
Download CTCSS Decoder Kit PDF | Laden Sie CTCSS Decoder Bausatz PDF
Download CTCSS Decoder/ Display PDF | Laden Sie CSS Decoder / Display Bausatz PDF

DTMF Kits:

Download DTMF Decoder Kit PDF * | Laden Sie DTMF Decoder Bausatz PDF*
Download 8 output DTMF Decoder kit PDF* | Laden Sie 8 Ausgang DTMF Decoder Bausatz PDF*
Download DTMF Detector Kit PDF * | Laden Sie DTMF Detektor Bausatz PDF*
Download DTMF Opto Kit PDF * | Laden Sie DTMF Opto Decoder Bausatz PDF*
Download DTMF Servo Kit PDF * | Laden Sie DTMF Servo Bausatz PDF*
Download DTMF Encoder Kit PDF | Laden Sie DTMF Encoder Bausatz PDF
Download DTMF Display Kit PDF | Laden Sie DTMF-Display Bausatz PDF
Download DTMF (SMT) Decoder Module PDF* | Laden Sie DTMF (SMT) Decoder-Modul PDF*

If you have purchased one of the kits above with an * by the name, please download these additional notes as well:

Download Additional Notes PDF | Laden Sie Erganzungen

PIC Kits:

Download PIC18 Kit PDF
Download PIC28 Kit PDF
Download PIC40 Kit PDF
Download PIC Development Kit PDF


Example Programs for MPLABX and the XC8 C Compiler
Project files for the demonstration program: LCD display, temperature sensor, RS232 TX (at 4800 baud 8N1), AD input, loop counter for the PIC16F1827.


This is the program included in the PIC supplied with the kit.

The files are in XC8 C, the compiler is available free from Microchip. Download and install MPLABX from the Microchip Website, then download and install the XC8 C Compiler.

After un-zipping, open MPLABX then file / open project and double click on picdemo_mplabx_project.

Project to receive characters from the serial port (RS232 RX) and display them on the LCD, the program also outputs a message to the serial port (RS232 TX), at 4800 baud 8N1.

When the display is full it clears and carries on displaying characters received.

The files are in XC8 C, the compiler is available free from Microchip. Download and install MPLABX from the Microchip Website, then download and install the XC8 C Compiler.

After un-zipping, open MPLABX then file / open project and double click on usart_demo_xc8.

Example Programs for MPLAB 8.xx and the HITECH C Compiler


Microchip C18 Compiler

Project files for the demonstration program: LCD display, temperature sensor, RS232 TX (at 4800 baud 8N1), AD input, loop counter for the PIC16F1827

The files are in HI-TECH C, the compiler is available free from Microchip and is included in the free MPLAB download.

Microchip Hi Tech C Compiler Free Downloadoad

This is the program included in the PIC supplied with the kit.

After un-zipping, if you have MPLAB installed on your computer, just double click on the .mcp file.

Project to receive characters from the serial port (RS232 RX) and display them on the LCD, the program also outputs a message to the serial port (RS232 TX), at 4800 baud 8N1.

When the display is full it clears and carries on displaying characters received.

Microchip C Compiler Free

The files are in HI-TECH C, the compiler is available free from Microchip and is included in the free MPLAB download.

C# compiler download

C# Compiler Download

After un-zipping, if you have MPLAB installed on your computer, just double click on the .mcp file.


MPASM (assembler) program: this program sets-up all the configuration registers and the USART at 4800 baud 8N1 with interrupt, any character received causes a TX response of RX .

Use this a the base for any MPASM projects.