Kepware KEPServerEX® version 5.17 is now available. It contains several new products and improvements to help users streamline their data management and prioritize their bandwidth for applications requiring remote communication:
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• The new Scheduler Plug-In for KEPServerEX allows you to schedule data requests from the client to the server to optimize communication over networks with limited bandwidth. Download data sheet here
Kepserverex 5
• Support for calculated values from OPC HDA in the Local Historian Plug-In
• FLOWCAL Transaction Queue support for EFM Exporter
The new version also contains updates of 25 drivers in KEPServerEX, including Allen-Bradley Control Ethernet Driver, Allen-Bradley Ethernet Driver, DNP3 Drivers and OPC XML-DA Driver.
A detailed revision version is available here
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Kepserverex V5 | 13-Dec-2020 | 2,105 KB/s |
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Many downloads like Kepserverex V5 may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code or keygen (key generator). If this is the case then it is usually made available in the full download archive itself.
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Kepserverex V5 Download
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