Here is an attempt at covering PC races for Mystara from a newbie point of view. There is certainly plenty to do to clean this up and remove implied knowledge about the setting, though. Finally, there is no claim of or attempt at being precise with respect to the full setting -- rather than discuss elements of the setting that are only relevant beyond the Known World (or beyond newbie level knowledge), I'm purposefully being vague (e.g., most Dwarves are Rockborn, but I'm not saying what other dwarf subraces there are).
- Torn on which playable race in Dungeons & Dragons you should pick? Use this guide to help you choose wisely! Make your own D&D flowchart with Lucid today! Dungeons And Dragons - 5th Edition: Playable Races, All Playable races from Official books D&D books, with ability scores etc.
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- D&D 5e Races (5th Edition) – Dungeons and Dragons The DND 5e Races are noble and proud but come across pompous and self-righteous to those ignorant of their struggles on the surface. Will and Brian talk about the complexity of role-playing these aquatic fish folk this week on The Dungeoncast!
PC Races for Mystara from a Newbie Point of View
by Giampaolo AgostaThere are no official lists of playable races; Wizards only has a more general monster index. Chet’s index is very useful, but not totally complete. The Master 3.5 Playable Race List should be pretty close to complete, though, being a community effort updated steadily over time. It only lists LA +0 races (i.e. No monstrous or 'powerful.
Most humans, regardless of their origin, are similar in traits and abilities to baseline humans of other worlds.
Mystaran humans have a lifespan similar to that of real world humans.
There are several Elven races in the Known World. The two primary races are Sylvan Elves and Shadow Elves. A third race, Water Elves, is present in the Minrothad Guilds. Most Mystaran Elves are adept at both casting wizardly magic and fighting with bows and swords. Contrary to most other races, Elves are able to cast wizardly magic while in armour of any type.
Sylvan Elves are generally similar to baseline Elves of other worlds.
Shadow Elves are a secretive, subterranean race. They are strictly henotheist, and often combine wizardly and divine magic. Official rules for player character Shadow Elves exist under the Classic and Advanced (2nd edition) D&D rules set.
Mystaran Elves have a lifespan of about 800 years.
Half-Elves: Mystaran Elves and Humans are cross-fertile, though the hybrid don't breed true, and, contrary to other worlds, Elves may have human ancestors. Basically, an individual is classified according to the race he resemble most closely, or takes on a unique mix of attributes and abilities, depending on the rules set used.
Most Mystaran Dwarves are native of Rockhome, a nation in the Known World area. These Dwarves, more properly known as Rockborn Dwarves, are similar to the baseline Dwarves of other worlds (though female dwarves have no facial hair, contrary to some other worlds). Rockborn Dwarves are highly magic-resistant, and incapable of using any form of wizardly magic, and have a strong dislike of it. They can use clerical magic with some difficulty, though they generally keep this a secret.
Mystaran Dwarves have a lifespan of about 200 to 270 years.
Mystaran Halflings are known as Hin. There is a single Hin race, though cultural differences between Hin nations may be significant. Mystaran halflings have pointy ears and furry feet, but are not especially plump or child-like in appearance. Older halflings sometimes sport full beards. Like Dwarves, halflings have minimal aptitude for magic (of all types), and are totally unable to wield wizardly magic. Experienced halflings sometimes study a type of druidic magic, though.
Mystaran Halflings otherwise have abilities similar to those of standard Halflings.
Gnomes are uncommon in the Known World, compared to other demihumans. Rock Gnomes are the primary subrace. They have a strong interest for technology, and physically resemble Dwarves, though Gnomes are of lighter build and sport longer, bulbous noses. Contrary to Dwarves, Gnomes have a moderate talent for spellcasting of all kinds.
Mystaran Gnomes and Dwarves are cross-fertile. The same considerations given for Half-Elves apply to Gnome-Dwarf crossbreeds.
Other Player Character races
There are many other playable races in Mystara.
In the Known World region, all Goblinoid species (Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Gnolls, Kobolds and Trolls) are playable, though these characters are best used within the context of a Broken Lands campaign. Note that all Goblinoids are related, and descend from a single ancient race. Gnolls are the result of ancient magical tampering and crossbreeding, while the other races evolved naturally.
All Goblinoid races are cross-fertile with each other, and with humans. See 'Half-Elves' under the Elf entry for a discussion of crossbreeds in Mystara. The Classic D&D rules set has a generation system for Goblinoid crossbreed PCs.
Most Goblinoids are warriors, though stealth is also appreciated, and primitive magical traditions, both wizardly (wokani) and clerical (shamans), exist among these races.
Lupins and Rakasta are two popular races of humanoid canines and felines, respectively. Lupins are the most common non-human, non-demihuman player race in the Known World region (they may be actually more widespread than Gnomes), but Rakasta are also present in Glantri and Ochalea. Rules exist for PC Lupins and Rakasta under the Classic and Advanced (2nd edition) D&D rules set.
Both Lupins and Rakasta are almost as versatile as humans when it comes to professional inclinations. There are many breeds of Lupins and Rakasta (which may be as different as real world dog breeds or feline species); the Advanced D&D rules set (second edition) has specialised racial packages for each breed.
Player Character races from D&D 3e and 4e
This paragraph covers the possibility of introducing core races from editions of D&D that do not support Mystara.
Half-Orcs: there are many crossbreeds between Goblinoids and Humans. Half-Orcs are a possible outcome (though by no means the only one)
Half-Elves: an individual can have an arbitrary mix of Elven and Human ancestors, and may therefore be classified as Elf or Human if he heavily favours one side. Truly balanced individuals might be represented by the Half-Elf racial package.
Tieflings are best considered as planar visitors, though their statistics could be applied to various 'alien' human subraces (usually outside the Known World).
Dragonborn are best considered as visitors from distant regions. They might call themselves Krolli or Sis'thik (a wingless breed).
Eladrin do not match any of the Elven subraces of Mystara. However, they can be used to represent the most common type of Fey, the Sidhe.
Fundamentally, Warforged 5e [5th Edition] is golems, but they differ from their more mainstream counterparts within the proven fact that they’re actually sentient creatures, created by magically coagulating and blending metal, stone, and wood during a vat. this implies that Warforged is far smarter than standard golems, and lack certain golem weaknesses, like not having the ability to profit from healing magic… though they even have tons of weaknesses that standard golems wouldn’t; being a living construct means having the equivalent of important organs, and thus having the ability to bleed out if you prod them with a pointy enough stick.
During the time of the last war, Warforged 5E was built in order to fight against the opponent soldiers. Initially, Warforged soldiers were simply automatons, and in later house cannas after vast resources of development, he introduced in improving the steel soldiers.
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What Is Warforged 5e
The d&d 5e Warforged were created ages ago. They were created as a tool of war. Originally golems with the power to find out and adapt on the battlefield, they shortly became aware. And, with awareness came a soul, and with a soul, the will to measure and to not die during a pointless conflict.
Due to that they rose up against their masters and fled the sector of battle. They did this to live a more peaceful life, far from conflict of death. They’re well-known for their size, their war prowess, and their single mind focus. They create fearsome enemies and steadfast allies. Actually, this Warforged was the rare race of humanoid constructs constructed through powerful rituals.
“Pierce was built by design, while you were built by accident,” Lakashtai said.
D&d Pc Games
“The soul is what matters, not the shape of the vessel”
Warforged 5e (5th Edition) for Dungeons and Dragons
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Equipment: A trophy taken a fallen enemy
Tool Proficiencies: Tinker Tools
Subrace: As a Warforged, your body was designed for a specific purpose. Choose one of these subraces: envoy, juggernaut, or skirmisher.
Warforged soldiers through an unexpected breakthrough they were completely built with organic and inorganic materials.
Warforged soldiers are designed with wood and metal but still, the soldiers can feel the pain and emotions like a human. The soldiers are completely built with weapons mainly for the purpose of war.
Warforged Names
- Anchor, Banner, Bastion,
- Blade, Blue, Bow, Church, Crunch, Crystal,
- Dagger, Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron,
- Lucky, Mace, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rusty, Scout,
- Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Stone,
- Temple, Vault, Wall, Wood
Steel soldiers
The steel soldiers are completely formed with organic and inorganic materials and their rooms are filled with alchemical fluids to serve their muscles. And the outer parts of the body are wrapped with steel stone or sometimes dark wood. The soldiers are designed with protective plates called Armored plates in order to protect their joints during the time of war.
The facial design is a very common figure with jaw and their eyes are crystal shiny and that is embedded with reinforced brow ridge. Warforged soldiers are the humanoids built with stone and steel.
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A Warforged soldier requires medicine if there sometimes healed and they feel to the resting posture when they are very tired they are the living humanoids.
Mode | Prerequisite | Effect |
Darkwood Core (unarmored) | None | AC = 11 + your Dexterity modifier (add proficiency bonus if proficient with light armor). |
Composite Plating (armored) | Medium armor proficiency | AC = 13 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2) + your proficiency bonus. |
Heavy Plating (armored) | Heavy armor proficiency | AC = 16 + your proficiency bonus; disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. |
The soldiers completely focus on war and also they will be very light and completely changed to less aggressive form. They change their character according to the present situation and this shows that they are addicted to heartfelt emotions.
- These Warforged soldier’s ability constitution score is increased by 2.
- Warforged soldiers are completely developed after construction and their maximum age is not determined anywhere and it is believed to be for about 150 years. According to history, the maximum age of Warforged is about 33 years and the least possible is 2 years.
- Warforged soldiers always behave in a neutral way and they are mainly built to fight in the right manner they completely choose ethical ideal for the opponents.
- The basic walking speed is 30 feet.
- Warforged soldiers are the living humanoids and there completely immune to diseases. Breathing, eating, drinking is not necessary but if they wish they can in just food or they can drink.
- Warforged 5E soldiers do not sleep instead they will be in the resting position and will remain in the semi-conscious state for about 4 hours per day. During the time of resting-state also so they will be aware of the surroundings and will be alert all the time.
1d10 | Quirk |
1 | You analyze (out loud) the potential threat posed by every creature you meet. |
2 | You don’t understand emotions and often misread emotional cues. |
3 | You are fiercely protective of anyone you consider a friend. |
4 | You often say the things you are thinking aloud without realizing it. |
5 | You try to apply wartime tactics and discipline to every situation. |
6 | You don’t know how to filter your feelings and are prone to dramatic emotional outbursts. |
7 | You don’t understand clothing beyond its utility and assume that what a creature wears denotes its job and status. |
8 | You are obsessed with your appearance, and constantly polish and buff your armor. |
9 | You are deeply concerned with following proper procedures and protocols. |
10 | War is the only thing that makes sense to you, and you’re always looking for a fight. |
D 26d Pc Races Download
A Warforged soldier was born to serve and fight them and clearly focuses only on the opponent soldiers. Soldiers struggle a lot to serve the people who have created them sometimes during the time of war also Warforged soldiers express emotions and pain.
They don’t have any interest related to religion but they strongly believe in Faith and mysticism. The concept of gender is not important over here since they have a typical muscular structure but a sexless body shape.
Integrated Protection
Mode | Prerequisite | Effect |
Composite Plating (armor) | Medium armor proficiency | 13 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2) + your proficiency bonus. |
Heavy Plating (armor) | Heavy armor proficiency | 16 + your proficiency bonus; disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. |
Darkwood Core (unarmored) | None | 11 + your Dexterity modifier (add proficiency bonus if proficient with light armor) |
Mechanical Upgrade for Warforged 5e
D&d Pc Races Fortnite
- We can choose a mechanical upgrade to bolster your abilities. it’s effect only occur while you are raging.
Spring Loaded Legs: we can use the Dash action as a bonus action with attacks of opportunity against you are made at disadvantage
Hardened Chassis: we become resistant toa ll forms of damage except for psychic damage.
Infra-vision: We gain superior dark vision. you can see up to 120 feet in dim light as if were brightly lit and it darkness as if in dim light.
- Beginning at 14th level, your ability to transform yourself while raging has been perfected. when you enter a rage you can, at the same time, transform into a monstrosity.
While transformed you retail all of your statistics and can only make unarmed strikes using your spiked armor. these of facts end when your age ends. choose one of the following forms.
- Gorgon: when you enter a rage you can morph into the form of a gorgon. you gain a +1 to your armor class.
- Griffon: when you enter a rage you can morph into the form of a griffon. you gain a fly speed of 40 feet.
- Manticore: when you enter a rage you can morph into the form of a manticore. your unarmed strikes become ranged attacks with a range of 50/100 feet.
- Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2.
- Iron Fists: When you hit with an unarmed strike, you can deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike.
- Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Direct Response ARM 1d4 Weapon
- Net
- Warhammer
- two shortswords
- light crossbow
D&d Pc Races Games
Upgrade D.R.A.W
at the 10th level, your D.R.A.W ability granted by your background is upgraded from 1d4 to 1d6. add the following features
D&d Pc Races For Pc
5. Martial weapon of your device.
6. Overload. When You are overloaded you become stunned until the end of your next turn.