Chivalry Sorcery 1st Edition Pdf

Tim Snider over at The Savage Afterworld blog started the

C&S marries a historical medieval setting with the typical fantasy characters and themes of most FRPGs. The first edition uses a minuscule font size (5 point) and crams an enormous amount of information into a single volume (The C&S Redbook, a reworked and edited PDF of the original is 338 pages - ginormous for 1977). First edition Chivalry & Sorcery includes a lot of innovative ideas, quite a lot of colour (especially in the twin aspects of chivalry and sorcery) and comes across with a good level of content per page (even given the pages in question). A Note to Readers of the First Edition 10 Part One: Founding Days (1953–1974) 11. Simbolist, being FGU with the monumental Chivalry & Sorcery released.) Scott.

Obsolete Simulations Roundup

Chivalry Sorcery 1st Edition Pdf Posted on 2/2/2018by admin Chivalry and Sorcery is a fantasy role-playing game that. An Updated Edition of Chivalry & Sorcery 1st Edition. Chivalry & Sorcery 3e is G.W. Thompson's take on the work of Edward Simbalist and Wilf Backhaus, the original authors of C&S. It is interesting that Mr. Simbalist and Mr. Backhaus dedicate this 3rd edition to the Society for Creative Anachronism (S.C.A.) - a medieval society reenactment group.

as a way of giving love to those games from days of old that aren't played much nowadays.
I chose Chivalry and Sorcery by Ed Simbalist and Wilf Backhaus, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited in 1977. It was my group's go-to game for fantasy for seven years. We got very good at cranking out new characters with calculators (yes, it has multiplication and division in the chargen process) in 20-30 minutes.

Chivalry Sorcery 1st Edition Pdf 2007

C&S marries a historical medieval setting with the typical fantasy characters and themes of most FRPGs. The first edition uses a minuscule font size (5 point) and crams an enormous amount of information into a single volume (The C&S Redbook, a reworked and edited PDF of the original is 338 pages -- ginormous for 1977).
Wikipedia has a very detailed description of the game, so I'll focus on just a few aspects I really like about the game over a couple of blog posts.

Leveled Monsters

Chivalry Sorcery 1st Edition PdfOne of the things I really like about C&S was that character generation rules were included for a wide variety of player races. Sure you could play an elf, dwarf, or a hobbit (yes, the first edition had hobbits), but also a lycanthrope, kobold, goblin, orc, hobgoblin, bugbear, Ogre, troll, vampire, dragon, or player's choice. Actually, many more are possible, since C&S introduces the idea of monsters with levels.

Chivalry & Sorcery Pdf

To show this, I've typed up one of my characters from back in the day:

Chivalry and sorcery 2nd editionThe next installment will be about the magic system and those Jewelsmiths.

Early Edition

I've put up a collection of my Chivalry and Sorcery content in the left navbar and below:

Chivalry And Sorcery 1st Edition Pdf

Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition

Chivalry and Sorcery Resources